Your Jewish Philanthropy

Tzedakah is often translated as “charity,” but it’s much more than that. Literally, the word means “justice.” In Jewish tradition, giving is a way to create a more just world. But it is one matter to give. It is another to give wisely and with intention.

We developed “Your Jewish Philanthropy Roadmap” in collaboration with Jewish Funders Network and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. In it you’ll find:

  • 6 key milestones to help you navigate your philanthropic journey
  • Strategies for better defining and measuring the impact of your giving
  • Profiles Jewish philanthropists and how they plan their giving

Your Jewish Philanthropy Roadmap helps Jewish funders navigate their philanthropic journeys. Whether you are new to charitable giving, or have been engaged in philanthropy for many years, the Roadmap is a valuable tool to help you be more intentional and strategic about your giving.

Your Jewish Philanthropy Roadmap
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About Us – Jewish Communal Fund

JCF is the donor advised fund of the Jewish community. 

Since 1972 we’ve helped our fundholders make their giving simpler, smarter and more impactful – along the way growing one of the largest and most active donor advised funds in the world.

How It Works

How It Works

Make a Contribution

Contribute cash or appreciated securities and take the maximum tax deduction this year.

How It Works


Choose how your funds are invested – with potential to grow your charitable dollars tax free.

How It Works


Make grants on your own timeline—to qualified charities in any sector—and JCF will handle the paperwork.