When making a donation to an Israeli charity, it’s important to research the charity and ensure that it’s a legitimate organization. You can do so by searching GuideStar Israel. You can also check if the charity is registered with the Israeli government’s Registrar of Amutot (nonprofit organizations). You’ll want to make sure that the Israeli amutah is recognized by the Israeli government with a Certificate of Proper Management (nihul takin certification), which is similar to 501(c)(3) status in the United States.

Use your donor advised fund to donate to Israel

Jewish Communal Fund makes it easy to recommend grants to Israeli charities. Since 2000, JCF Fundholders have granted more than $1 billion to Israeli and international charities. And in FY 22 alone, JCF Fundholders granted $103 million to Israeli and international organizations.

There are a few ways to give to Israeli charities through your donor advised fund at JCF:

  1. American Friends of Organizations. Many Israeli charities have “American friends of” partner charities that are registered 501(c)(3) nonprofits in the United States. Donating to an “American Friends of” organization is often the easiest way to make a donation from your JCF fund to support your favorite Israeli charities.
  2. Intermediary Organizations. If the Israeli charity you would like to support does not have an “American Friends of” organization, Jewish Communal Fund can direct your donation using intermediary organizations such as PEF Israel Endowment Fund and JGive. Please be aware that this method may result in longer processing times.

If you have any questions about donating to Israeli charities via your donor advised fund at Jewish Communal Fund, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 212-752-8277.